Digimon Encyclopedia


Phoenixmon (X Antibody)

X Antibody
Holy Beast
Special Move
・Starlight Explosion


A sacred Digimon with four gleaming golden wings. The leader of all Bird Digimon, Phoenixmon is said to rule over all sacred Digimon. As Magnadramon is the ultimate Beast Digimon, Phoenixmon is the ultimate Bird Digimon. Since Phoenixmon has not one but two Holy Rings, which draw out sacred power and serve to identify sacred Digimon, it evidently possesses immeasurable power. Phoenixmon’s special move is Starlight Explosion, by which it flaps its four godly wings to rain down golden particles of light. Anything hit by this attack is said to be cleansed of all evil.

■Effects of the X Antibody on Phoenixmon’s DigiCore:
Phoenixmon (X Antibody) now has 12 Holy Rings, granting it holy power that even the average Angel Digimon cannot match. The divine aura that emanates from its body, Firewall, is the ultimate defensive barrier, allowing no Virus to pass through. It’s said that any Digimon touched by one of its falling feathers will be shielded from the clutches of evil.
Phoenixmon (X Antibody)’s special move Starlight Explosion is also more powerful than ever, bolstered by its increased holy power.