Tuwarmon is a ninja Digimon returned to its true form after casting off its temporary disguise, releasing the heavy Punpun Armor that had restrained its abilities. Tuwarmon specializes in posing as an idiot in order to deceive its foes while it draws near, so that it can stealthily assassinate them. Its Punpun Armor splits into boosters that greatly increase its abilities, allowing it to move like the wind, faster than the eye can follow. Its abilities from before it released its armor don’t even compare. Its two sickle-shaped weapons, the Mantis Arms, are versatile enough to be adapted to any situation. They can be joined by an electromagnetic chain to form nunchucks, combined into a single long polearm, or thrown like boomerangs. Tuwarmon’s Mantis Dance special move takes full advantage of this, transforming its Mantis Arms while it performs a violent dance. This deadly choreography is sure to leave its foes sliced to ribbons. It also has Smokin’ Boogie, a versatile technique that shoots out smoke of seven different colors and fires cannonballs in all directions. This allows it to hide its position and damage its enemies.