Digimon Encyclopedia


Togemon (X Antibody)

X Antibody
Special Move
・Needle Spray
・Prickly Bam Bam


A Vegetation Digimon resembling a giant cactus. It ability to store nutrient data inside its body allows it to survive for extended periods even in barren desert regions. As is obvious from its facial expression, it’s usually impossible to tell what Togemon is thinking, since it spends most days staring blankly into space. But if provoked enough, its demeanor becomes violent and unhinged. Togemon’s special move is Needle Spray, by which it hardens the needles on its fists and unleashes a flurry of punches.

■Effects of the X Antibody on Togemon’s DigiCore:
Togemon (X Antibody) has taken to wandering from place to place, having realized something which had previously lain hidden deep within its heart. Unfortunately, it’s not very good at communicating with other Digimon—perhaps because it rarely had a chance to interact with them in the deserts and wastes—and it’s become quite short-tempered as a result. Its special move Prickly Bam Bam, which it picked up during its travels, involves throwing a wild series of punches that vary from light jabs to powerful haymakers.
Togemon (X-Antibody)’s Journey:
According to one theory, Togemon (X Antibody) is actually a vegetation-based weapon that Vademon, a Digimon found and captured near a certain Area 51, intended to use in its planetary invasion. The idea is that Togemon (X Antibody) is visiting various military targets in preparation for an assault. However, the truth behind Togemon (X Antibody)’s mysterious actions remains as inscrutable as ever. Meanwhile, research is being carried out to determine if there might be a connection to the rumor that Vademon was born of a plant seed.