Digimon Encyclopedia


Seasarmon (X Antibody)

X Antibody
Holy Beast
Special Move
・Ancient Firewall
・Tiida Iya


A Digimon resembling a legendary holy beast called the Shisa. Seasarmon possesses the strength to drive off calamity, and demonstrates immense power in the face of evildoers. A kind and gentle ally, it protects Tamers from any and all disasters, even at expense of its own wellbeing. Combining a docile nature with a ferocious appearance, it is usually found lounging in the sun. This sunlight is actually an essential power source for Seasarmon, and recharges its life force. Its signature move Ancient Firewall acts as a type of Firewall that provides temporary protection from invasion by evil viruses. Its special move Tiida Iya fires infinite arrows of holy sunlight.

■Effects of the X Antibody on Seasarmon’s DigiCore:
Seasarmon (X Antibody) is clad in golden armor that shines more brightly the longer it’s been in the sun. This armor serves as a barrier, repelling the attacks of Evil-species Digimon. Apparently, the redness of Seasarmon (X Antibody)’s tail indicates the degree to which it’s been charged with sunlight. Seasarmon (X Antibody) is sure to be found relaxing in the sun even now, preparing to fight off evil Digimon. Its special move, Koryūkyū, involves turning itself into a ball of light to charge at evil.