・Satori Henro Shou ・Reikou Kumo no Ito ・Taijou Shingon
The Digimon rumored to be closest to King Drasil in the Digital World, having protected the eastern Digital World since ancient times. Shakamon is a being replete with affection, conferring trials upon others on occasion to prompt further progress within the Digital World. Such trials show its affection, and it awaits the coming of the Digimon who will overcome them. Shakamon knows all there is to know about heaven and earth, so challenging it to combat is pointless. Any who do so will simply fight an illusion atop the palm of Shakamon’s hand for eternity, until they exhaust both mind and body. With this Satori Henro Shou, it means to convey the futility of conflict. Shakamon also uses Reikou Kumo no Ito to purify and save the enemy with a halo of light that cannot be shut out, even if one closes their eyes, or Taijou Shingon to sap a foe’s hostility and blow them far away with an ascetic shout.