A Digimon resembling a boy dancing freely across the sky. Petermon entices young Digimon who refuse to Digivolve with a promise to build a land only for kids, then invites them to Never-Ever Land, a world it built itself. Its personality seems innocent and naive, but underneath that purity lurks a certain degree of brutality. Petermon is particularly harsh toward Digimon who break promises, beating them down in a “punishment game.” Its swordplay is top-notch, and it deftly brandishes the knife on its waist to punish foes. Petermon hounds the enemy with a scornful smile, using Snipe Sting to attack the opponent’s vitals with precise strikes, and Twinkle Shoot to pursue foes until it scores a hit. It also uses Midnight Fantasia to freely control nearby young Digimon while they slumber with a light, whistling tune.