Ouryumon is an imaginary Digimon born from the daydream of a DigiCore. Its form is the result of Digivolution caused by the interface on its forehead miraculously unlocking the creativity of its own DigiCore. Perhaps because this Digimon’s DigiCore already contained data on Japanese myths of fierce dragons and generals, the form that this DigiCore imagined was a dragon warrior clad in imposing Japanese-style armor and wielding a sword in each hand. The blade in Ouryumon’s left hand is called Gairyu Sadaijin, while the one in its right is named Gairyu Udaijin. Finally, the blade extending from the wings on its back is known as Gaiba Daimeijin. Ouryumon’s special moves include Eiseiryuojin, an attack unleashed from the two swords it holds in its hands, and Golden Armor, where it rages with all the destructive force of a mighty river overflowing its banks, charging forward as it slices everything around it. Some theorize that this attack may have its roots in Fanglongmon’s special move Yellow Circle, though the truth of that is uncertain.