A carnivorous Dinosaur Digimon named the “King of Terror” due to its power far outclassing other Dinosaur Digimon and an unmatched savagery in battle. Dinorexmon grabs foes with talons almost half the length of its body, then snaps and brandishes its gigantic jaws to annihilate the enemy. That sort of extreme brutality is most well-suited for a survival-of-the-fittest environment, hence the reason for its title as king. Dinorexmon also fight among each other, and there are therefore very few in number. It uses its special move Splatter Hunting to grab foes with its talons before finishing them off, and Ogre Flame to spit a gooey, superheated shell from its mouth that resembles magma. Even if this superheated shell does not hit, it leaves the area around the point of impact as little more than a burnt field.