Ordinarily, when two Digimon go through DNA Digivolution, their DigiCores fuse completely and a new Digimon is born, but a Chaosmon retains the two DigiCores of its predecessor Digimon, meaning its form is highly unstable. “Chaosmon” is the codename used for Digimon that should not exist, and which are bugs in Central Dogma that should be absolutely impossible. Since they’re so unstable, Chaosmon have very short lifespans, though this is also believed to be the result of a program in the Digital World’s maintenance system designed to eliminate bugs. This Chaosmon is believed to have been born from the DNA Digivolution of BanchoLeomon and Darkdramon, as traces of each can be seen on its arms. Its special moves include Bancho Blade, an unstoppable strike that it unleashes from the BAN-TYO Blade on its Bancho Arm, and Dark Prominence, where it fires its own digital cells from the Gigastick Cannon on its Darkdra Arm.