Darkdramon is an Android Digimon believed to be the D-Brigade’s ultimate weapon. Rumor has it that D-Brigade researchers created Darkdramon by Digivolving a Tankdramon they recovered. Supposedly, this Tankdramon was defeated in an operation designed to eliminate a target codenamed BAN-TYO. However, none of this information is particularly reliable. A vast amount of dark matter seems to have been used in this Digivolution process. Possibly as a result, Darkdramon immediately went berserk and fled. Its current whereabouts are unknown, even to the D-Brigade, though rumor has it that it’s still searching for Codename BAN-TYO. Its special move Dark Roar is a forbidden technique that involves firing an energy bomb composed of dark matter. Nothing can survive a hit from this attack, supposedly. Darkdramon also has a weapon called the Gigastick Lance built into its right arm, said to be equal in power to Gallantmon’s holy lance Gram.