A Digimon with power over ice that bears the might of the Ten Legendary Warriors. Although Korikakumon possesses dauntless courage bordering on foolhardiness, there’s no denying the fact that its wild spirit brims with desire and ambition. Extremely curious by nature and always desperate for attention, it is quick to become carried away. Korikakumon likes to clown around even in battle, and will sometimes strike a pose while offering up a prayer to its arctic god, or cry out the names of its special moves as it attacks. However, it is also diligent in paying close attention to its enemies as well as the terrain, in order to maintain an edge in battle. Its special move Avalanche Step involves cutting down foes while seeming to dance with its two tomahawks Éji and Ōji. Glacier Torpedo, by contrast, involves trapping enemies in its extensible hair and then finishing them off with the edges of its blades.