An Ice-Snow Digimon that rules over Thrymheim, a small, snowy country somewhere in the mountains. This Digimon appears to be a large snowman, but most of its body is akin to a powered exoskeleton made of ice. Skadimon is, in fact, the small fairy inside the snow globe on the head of the armor.
A gentle snow always falls inside the globe, but in the midst of a fierce battle, it grows into a blizzard so fierce that Skadimon's true form cannot be seen. Thrymheim is a small country where many Digimon from frigid regions reside, and is surrounded by ice in the shape of a snow globe. It is the same kind of ice wall that makes up the globe of Skadimon's head, and it protects the country's inhabitants from invaders.
In case of enemy intrusion, Skadimon waves its wand to control ice and snow, able to conjure various things to ward off attacks.
In Skadimon's Snow Swatter special move, it summons a giant snow hand to beat down its enemy. In its Snowman's Dance move, it shoots myriad snowman-shaped missiles at its target as it ice-skates. When Skadimon reaches the peak of its wrath, its snow globe head finally breaks, releasing a snowslide that envelopes the enemy in its Raging Avalanche attack. Although the snow globe on its head easily regenerates, exposing its true form to danger is done as a last resort.