An agile Puppet Digimon who traverses as if gliding around on roller skates atop tree canopies. A restless Digimon, it dislikes staying still and is always in motion.
ShoeShoemon typically stuffs its food into its cheek pouches, which have a far larger capacity than their appearance suggests. Besides food, it also places important items in these pouches to carry them around. ShoeShoemon also forces items that don't fit into its cheeks between the gaps in its tail or inside the zip pouch on its belly. As something of a packrat with a habit of swiping things, Shoeshoemon sometimes steals food from other Digimon it comes across.
When using its Rolling Stomper move, ShoeShoemon performs rapid rotations and smashes foes with the tires of its roller skates. With Acorn Bomb, it attacks by throwing the acorn-shaped explosives it stashes in the zip pouch on its belly. When these explode, they shoot out masses of acorns, dealing damage across a wide area.