A Beast Digimon presumed to be an experimental “Prototype Digimon” from before Digimon were discovered due to the antiquated interface on its forehead. Ryudamon is covered in Japanese-style armor that boasts a high defense, yet its movements are quite nimble, allowing it to attack by jumping boldly right into the enemy’s chest. The more it fights, the more it cultivates its combat skills. Ryudamon possesses gallantry, a samurai spirit, and a soul unafraid of powerful enemy Digimon. During an experiment, the brazen combat data of “military commanders” and “dragons” from Japanese myth was said to be hidden in the deepest part of its DigiCore, and it can supposedly grow into a mighty Digimon. Ryudamon uses its signature move Kabutogaeshi to take the enemy’s attack with its armored helmet before countering. With Iai Blade, it jumps at the opponent’s chest before firing an iron blade from its mouth.