Raguelmon is a Mega Digimon that monitors all other Angel Digimon, viewing them with suspicion so that none of them might fall. If it sees that an Angel Digimon is beginning to slip, it destroys them before they can fall completely. However, since the task of surveillance is an alienating one, Raguelmon itself may become overwhelmed by a feeling of emptiness that causes it to reject everything. Should this happen, it would lose its ability to distinguish friend from foe, turning it into a terrifying and highly destructive Digimon.
Its special move Form Taranis involves shredding opponents with the claws extending from its hands and tail. By impaling an enemy with this attack, it can flood them with destructive data, eating away at them from the inside. Alternatively, it can fire lasers from the gems on its arms and in its chest with Pahorus.