Mametyramon is a small Mutant Digimon known and feared as the Tiny Tyrant. It consists of Tyrannomon’s data packed into a pint-size frame. This only serves to increase its ferocity and instinct for conflict, though, and its behavior makes this abundantly clear. Yet despite its diminutive size, it never attacks in groups, instead preferring to act alone. It will attack any Digimon that wanders into its territory without question, and it is constantly asserting dominance over its turf. Fortunately, since it’s so small, its territory doesn’t extend very far. Still, because its muscles are filled with the power of a creature over 100 times its size, and because its jaws are strong enough to crush through the hardest of armor, its combat abilities surpass those of much larger Dinosaur Digimon. Its special moves include Mame Bite 1000, which involves attacking with a series of rapid-fire bites, and Met Lariat, where it takes off its helmet if it thinks it might lose, swinging wildly in hopes of turning things in its favor.