A Digimon with power over darkness that bears the might of the Ten Legendary Warriors. Duskmon is the embodiment of an immense dark energy formed from the vengeful will of various types of extinct Digimon as well as Forbidden Data on the Net. Just as dark energy exists as the counterpart of the holy force of light, Duskmon is the antithesis of those who possess holy power. Its personality is pure evil, merciless and cruel. It is also a perfectionist, and exudes a devilish aura of supreme confidence. Unmatched in contests of swordsmanship, Duskmon never hesitates to resort to underhanded attacks. Its special moves include Geist Abend, by which it hypnotizes its foe with the eyes all over its body, and Eroberung, by which it uses its twin magic swords known as Blut Evolution to absorb its enemy’s power. Actually, the three heads and seven eyes on its armor can act as separate entities due to the true malice sealed within them.