A Digimon in charge of troop transport for the D-Brigade. It was said to have Digivolved by incorporating tilt-rotor aircraft design data acquired from the real world via hacking. Possessing exceptional maneuverability, it can both hover and fly at high speeds by adjusting the angle of the propellers on its wings. Cargodramon contains a cargo hold in its fuselage, which on a typical mission is used to transport a squadron of five Commandramon and one Hi-Commandramon. It is also capable of transporting a single Tankdramon by suspending wires beneath it when the cargo hold is empty. Suppression Strike is a special move that fires the Gatling gun attached to the front of its fuselage. This is used as a ground control measure while troops are being deployed. If a close combat situation arises due to unforeseen circumstances, Cargodramon can employ Slaughter Blade, which cuts opponents to pieces using the propellers on its wings. This maneuver may damage its propellers, and is only allowed to be used in emergencies.