The Mega form of the Legend-Arms shield Digimon, taking the form of a dragon composed almost entirely of shields. Obtaining the data of “legendary shields” from folklore and video games, BryweLudramon has evolved into the ultimate adamantine shield, undamaged in the face of any attack. From its appearance, it seems to be made of Red Digizoid, but its hardness makes this Unanalyzable. Gause and Fay, its twin autonomous AI, offer omnidirectional vision. These AI possess fire barriers, which they can expand to cover all of BryweLudramon. Gause and Fei can operate at any distance, theoretically allowing them to cover the entire world in their barrier. Despite being the ultimate shield, BryweLudramon’s sworn enemy Durandamon is said to have overpowered and crushed its barriers. It uses its special move Crimson Storm to unleash a raging fire from wings of flame, or Blast Smash to detach its wings before charging into its foe with its flame barrier deployed. BryweLudramon’s true value as a Legend-Arms lies in its transformation into a shield, the wielding of which is said to make any foe give up on attacking.