Digimon Encyclopedia


Aegiochusmon: Green

Special Move
・Bramble Bite
・Plant Zone Cradle
・Charging Strike


A Deity Digimon that synthesized the abilities of various species, using a human body as its base. This synthesis of species is said to have resulted from the pursuit of the apex known as omnipotence, and Aegiochusmon: Green’s form changes dramatically to match its environment. This green form is based on the data of Plant types. Normally this data would lie dormant in its body, centered around the crystal in its chest, but Aegiochusmon has affixed the Plant data around its arms and upper body. Because it is based on Plant types, its body is dramatically lighter than other forms. Aegiochusmon: Green fires sturdy thorns from the busters equipped to both arms, using them for attack, defense, or for performing trick actions by hooking them onto various places like grapples. Agile movement that utilizes this equipment and lightness is the most pertinent characteristic of this form. Aegiochusmon: Green uses its special move Bramble Bite to summon demonic thorns that bite the enemy, or Plant Zone Cradle to unleash countless thorns from its body, surrounding foes over a wide area before tearing them to ribbons. It also uses the base technique Charging Strike to pierce the opponent’s head with a high-speed charge utilizing its vaunted leg strength.