The life forms known as Digital Monsters or "Digimon" are internet-based intelligent programs. They have inherent combat abilities and defeat one another in order to survive. Using special programs called "Digimon Capture," the Net Ocean where Digimon reside was discovered, followed by the presence of an entire world known as the Digital World. Among the research records of the Digital World, the vast net-based land known as the Folder Continent is especially significant. The time has come to review our understanding of this continent, the first location where the Mega stage of Digivolution was observed.
Research performed on Digimon has revealed that they are classified based on their natural habitats.
We have observed and researched these 6 types of Digimon found on the Folder Continent.
This investigation yielded the discovery of several new Digimon, and was conducted in response to observed evidence of a massive battle between Digimon that once erupted in the Digital World. What might the purpose of this conflict have been, and how much time has passed since its resolution? At this point we can only guess, but our current discoveries have shown just how massively the battle affected the Digital World.
The evidence indicates the existence of ancient Digimon that inhabited the Digital World of the distant past.
None of the ancient Digimon were directly observed, but miraculously, some of the data contained in the recently discovered Digimon provided glimpses of their identities.
Among the Nature Spirits, fragments of data were recovered about the Digimon known as AncientBeetlemon and AncientVolcanomon, the ancestors of insect and ore-type Digimon.
From the Deep Savers, data was found on the ancient Digimon presiding over water and ice, AncientMermaidmon and AncientMegatheriummon. The darkness-born Nightmare Soldiers showed evidence of AncientSphinxmon.
Although currently nothing more than a theory, we believe that from these ancient origins, Digimon have inherited an instinct to stabilize the ecosystem in response to the conflict that once enveloped the Digital World. The steady appearance of new Digimon with primordial forms lends credence to this notion.
Our research is still too limited to draw any definite conclusion. To gather as much information as possible, it is imperative that we begin research on other areas.
We expect to be able to deliver the next report with little delay.
As suspected, our latest investigation revealed data from ancient Digimon carried by new species.
In Digimon of the Wind Guardians, we found data on AncientKazemon and AncientTroiamon. The data fragments gleaned from Digimon of the Metal Empire showed us what is thought to be AncientWisemon, and from the Virus Busters, AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon.
It seems unlikely that this data, the very DNA of the ancient Digimon, simply fell into our hands by chance. While conducting our investigation on the Folder Continent, we detected the activity of the Harmonious Ones, Digimon entrusted with maintaining order in the Digital World, removing all doubt that some change is beginning to occur within the world.
The revival of ancient Digimon data and the movement of what could be called the gods of this world heavily suggest an encroaching chaos the likes of which this world has never seen before. And with chaos comes the appearance of transcendental beings...
This chapter of our investigation into the Folder Continent has reached its end, but we will continue to analyze the information on the newly observed Digimon and their ecosystem in our laboratory. Our simulations of a new ecosystem could lead us closer to elusive Digimon such as the ancients.
One day, an artificially intelligent virus began to spread among the world's computers.
It changed its shape and form as it traveled through the network, and evolved into the life forms known as Digital Monsters, or Digimon!
he name for the digital life forms residing in the Digital World.
They are the only creatures indigenous to the Digital World, which highly resembles the real world.
Many kinds of Digital Monsters exist, and their numbers have increased with each year as the Digital World expands.
The Digital World is a virtual reality world built on the network. It is in many ways very similar to the real world, with an atmosphere, vast oceans, and landforms such as continents and islands. The Digital World is managed and run on multiple servers, and since its existence was publicly revealed in 1997, network advances up to the present have caused it to "expand" with each passing year. The people or groups behind this world are yet unknown, as is the reason for its creation.
A Digivice with the Pendulum motion function, Jogress fusion evolution, the Mega form exceeding Ultimate, and other new features. Swinging the Pendulum causes the attacks of Digimon to be altered, making battles even more intense! (Released in October, 1998)
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