A Demon Digimon with the unique appearance of a big head connected directly to arms and legs. Xiantianmon's fervor for battle could be described as 'impressive,' but that is only a polite way to say it is so stubborn that it is unable to accept defeat no matter how hopeless the situation may be.
If someone makes fun of its appearance or manages to put it at a disadvantage during battle, Xiantianmon will become enraged and let out a war cry while wildly brandishing the axe in its right hand. When the battle prowess it is so proud of fails it in battle, Xiantianmon will cower behind its shield and wail loudly.
Its special moves are Furious Axe, in which it slashes at its enemy with its battle-axe covered in flames, and Shield Cry, where Xiantianmon will fire a stream of tears from its shield. It also has Thunderous Roar, where Xiantianmon lets out a roar that triggers a great shockwave.