This subspecies of WarGreymon clad in armor made of the super-metal Chrondigizoid is known as the Dragon Warrior of Heroes, and easily brandishes its massive sword to stand against foes with its unique swordsmanship. VictoryGreymon uses the special move Dramon Breaker to swing its giant crushing sword of the same name in a heroic strike that—instead of cutting—pulverizes the enemy. With Trident Gaia, it separates the Dramon Breaker, equips the pieces onto both arms, concentrates all the energy in the atmosphere on the sword tips, and then fires it off. It also has the unique sword skill called Victory Charge by which it repels even enemy attacks with its gigantic sword. Intriguingly, VictoryGreymon has a different Digivolution Code than Digimon native to the Digital World, and as such it’s believed to have Digivolved from a DigiEgg created by adding artificial data.