SaviorHuckmon is a Digimon that has traveled far and wide. In repeatedly meeting and parting with other Digimon, and after surviving countless scenes of carnage, it finally Digivolved to this form. It continues to join in the endless struggles that occur throughout the Digital World, seeking to bring an end to these hostilities and to aid local Digimon who’ve suffered due to the strife. It is not always successful, but the tears SaviorHuckmon has shed before various cruel scenes of devastation serve only to make it stronger, redoubling its desire to help the next Digimon to seek its aid. It walks on two legs despite both of them being blades, and now that SaviorHuckmon’s two arms and its tail sport crimson blades as well, its style has become more offensive. The crystal in its chest serves as physical proof of its tireless efforts to grow stronger. Its special moves include Ledge Stride, where it performs a flying kick and uses one of its leg blades to pierce through a foe, and Meteor Flame, which involves shooting blasts of flame from its mouth with all the speed of a machine gun to incinerate foes. Finally, when it attacks using the crimson blades on its arms and tail with Trident Saber, it can even slice mercilessly through foes covered in Chrome Digizoid.