Rafflesimon is a Mega Pixie Digimon said to be the most beautiful creature in the Digital World. While the beauty of its form is enough to enchant anyone, it also gives off a horrible stench. Many Digimon long to gaze upon Rafflesimon’s beauty, searching high and low just to get a glimpse of it. Yet Rafflesimon’s lifespan is short, consisting of no more than a few days. As a result, the chances of ever laying eyes on Rafflesimon are so low it’s said to take a miracle, which is why it is known as the Miraculous Flower. Despite all this, Rafflesimon does not bemoan its fate. It wishes only to live out its life normally, and continues to conduct itself with elegance and grace.
Its special move Ballet Gun involves firing a cannon hidden in its sleeves. Also, the large petals that flit about its body act as reflectors, allowing it to redirect its shots so that no enemy can escape. Finally, Rafflesimon can shed scales from its body with Wisselen. Anyone these scales become attached to turns into a mindless servant of Rafflesimon.