A Warrior Digimon extolled as the legendary hero of Witchelny, which is the Digital World of another dimension. Ancient Witchelny was on the path to ruin, since its magic (advanced programming language) was still in its infancy and it lacked techniques to protect the land from invasion by outside forces. It is said that MedievalGallantmon suddenly appeared and repelled invaders, and that it transcends time to exist to the present day, although the truth is uncertain. It fights with arms created with magic, and wields Dynas, the ultimate magic lance concealing the power of the wyvern. MedievalGallantmon is nicknamed the Whirlwind General due to its governance over the Vortex Warriors, Digimon who fight with weapons made of wind magic, one of the four magic types (fire, earth, water and wind). Practically none have seen it in the Digital World, but this Digimon is known as the Warrior of Fantasy due to its armor covered with gorgeous decoration, and is a solemn figure affixed with a coat of arms. MedievalGallantmon uses special move Rage of Wyvern to fire energy from Dynas, as well as Final Crest.