An Ultimate Digimon resembling a dragon, and one of the Twelve Deva Digimon. A minion of Azulongmon, one of the Four Sovereign Digimon, Majiramon is extremely calculating, and dislikes to lift a finger if it won’t benefit itself. If it discerns some gain to be made, however, it will stick its nose into any matter. Majiramon tends to assign prices to all things, and expresses various matters in terms of monetary value. In battle it will transform its tail, whiskers and hair into arrows (Bǎo Shǐ) to pierce its foes. (Incidentally, one arrow is worth 5,000 yuan.) Majiramon uses its special move Vedhaka to vanish into a swirl of light summoned into the heavens, from which it rains 108 shining Bǎo Shǐ down to bury even a horde of its foes. This move incurs 540,000 yuan worth of destructive power.