Kozenimon is a tiny Digimon resembling a 1-yen coin that lives inside Ganemon’s suitcase. Endlessly optimistic at all times, Kozenimon’s greatest strength is its ability to keep up its positive attitude even in the midst of a slump. It’s also a hard worker that cheerfully gives its all to the money-collecting missions it’s sent out on by Ganemon. Its motto is “Even a million-yen fortune begins with a single coin.” Kozenimon often works in groups, and this is reflected in its special moves. One of these, Strength in Solidarity, involves a group of Kozenimon attacking together. Another, ¥UE-N, is the result of many Kozenimon bursting into tears after being insulted, which creates a shockwave.
Note: Kozenimon was a winning submission in the Original Digimon Contest for Digimon Fusion.