A Mega Digimon that Digivolved after training its body and spirit to the utmost limit under an unfathomably strict regimen. To Kazuchimon, battle demands one's all, a sacred rite never to be defiled. Kazuchimon is a warrior to the core, and can grow so obsessed with refining its strategy and techniques that it will forget to eat or sleep. It fights like a raging god of war, strong enough to level thousands with a single blow.
Its special moves include Nito Seirai, where it cuts down foes with its twin lightning blades, and Shido Ittetsu,, where it forces opponents into a one-on-one match by trapping them with a lightning barrier. Finally, to finish a foe, it uses its ultimate attack Shinden Shouraiko to condense all the surrounding electrical energy into a super-dense ball of lightning that it fires at its opponent.