Cherrymon is a Digimon further Digivolved from Woodmon, gaining a high degree of intelligence and power. Known as the Lord of the Deep Forest, it is a terrifying Digimon that lures those who wander into the depths of the dark forest ever farther inside, so they can never leave again. Its body produces a hallucinogenic mist to lure Digimon deep into the forest. Then it uses its branch-like tentacles and vines to capture its enemies and draw nourishment from them. Should you ever encounter an old Woodmon, it may be best to defeat it before it can Digivolve into Cherrymon. Cherrymon’s special move Cherry Bomb makes use of the forbidden fruit growing in the thick branches on its head. The sweet scent of this fruit makes it seem quite tempting, but certain death awaits those who take even a single bite.