Gundramon is a large Digimon that has all sorts of guns. Many Digimon refer to Gundramon, MagnaKidmon, and BeelStarmon collectively as “The Three Musketeers” due to their highly developed marksmanship. Gundramon is also a member of the Crack Team, and like Machinedramon, it is suited for use in combat. Faster than Machinedramon, Gundramon has all the mobility it needs to quickly get into firing position. The acrid smell of gunpowder has soaked into every inch of its fully metallic body, as is appropriate for this bitter and hardened Digimon.
Its special moves include Der Blitz, where it fires at its opponents’ vitals using the two six-shooters in its hands, and Platzenkreuz, which involves throwing its opponent to the ground to fire at them from point blank range. Finally, it has Gewalt Schwärmer, where it fires off a volley in all directions.