A giant taciturn boy Digimon who, together with its older sister Kinkakumon, is feared as part of the “Gold and Silver Ogre Siblings.” The Beni Hisago on Ginkakumon’s back contains alcohol consumed by Kinkakumon. This alcohol is apparently a Digimon from another dimension that was transformed into its current state after arriving here. It adores and always looks out for its sister Kinkakumon. Ginkakumon watches over its sister’s violent behavior warmly, and clobbers any who shamelessly approach Kinkakumon with a strength that can move mountains. When Kinkakumon rides the cockpit in its chest, Ginkakumon’s power becomes as mighty as one would expect from the siblings. Being piloted is secretly a happy time for the giant. Ginkakumon uses its special move Kiendan to shoot fireballs from its mouth, or Gyakugeki Endan to step back and counter a foe with a Kiendan when challenged in close combat. It uses Ginkaku Tokkan to take a low stance, charge forward, and crush the enemy with a tackle utilizing its large frame. In addition to this, Ginkakumon can also use Kingin Raimeigeki when Kinkakumon is on-board to shoot high-voltage electricity through the opponent.