A Dominion Digimon also known as a phantom. Dominimon does not answer in any way to the angelic chain of command, and instead acts on its own. When an especially threatening enemy appears, Dominimon will join forces with Digimon such as ClavisAngemon and SlashAngemon to defeat it. A rare type that suddenly manifests via mutation when the balance between the light and darkness of the Digital World is disrupted, Dominimon is almost never sighted. Valuing all life as a collective over any single entity, Dominimon does not consider its own life especially important. In order to escape a tricky situation, it will perform a death-defying attack without hesitation.
In Dominimon's Final Excalibur technique, it pierces enemies with a blade of energy that manifests on its arm. For Zero Heavens, it fires superhot lasers in every direction from the shields on its shoulders. Finally, during its Devotion Field move, it emanates a holy aura from its entire body, sacrificing some of its own lifeforce to grant power to nearby angelic Digimon.