BigMamemon is a Mutant Digimon that acts as Mamemon’s boss, and is sometimes referred to as the “Smiley Bomber.” Some speculate that BigMamemon is in fact just an aggregation of Mamemon. A regular Mamemon is about the same size as an In-Training Digimon, though it harbors an incredible amount of power in its small frame. BigMamemon, on the other hand, lives up to its name by being dozens if not hundreds of times larger than regular Mamemon. Why BigMamemon is still referred to as “Mamemon,” which was named for its diminutive stature, is unclear. BigMamemon has a warm and gentle personality, and is not fond of battle or conflict. It’s always playing with its Mamemon followers. BigMamemon’s special move is Big Smiley Bomber, by which it uses the Mamemon under its command as weapons. It is said to shrink in size after using this technique.