A Digimon whose power over fire exceeds that of legend due to the unknown powers it obtained by fully inheriting the might of the Ten Legendary Warriors. Aldamon is a Demon God who transforms fear and anger into a righteous power to fight. Its violent behavior earns it many enemies, but its name reflects the fused form of a god in Hindu mythology, combining the wildness of a beast with the intelligence of a man. In battle, it unleashes attacks over incredibly large areas, melting and burning everything to a crisp. This aspect is a destructive power akin to the threat of a modern nuclear weapon. Aldamon uses its special move Brahmashira to boost the holy blaze of its DigiCore to its limits, creating an ultra-dense high-temperature solar core before detonating it, or Atomic Inferno to fire a rapid-fire stream of super-hot bullets from the Rudriya Darpaṇa superweapons on its arms. It can also use its Rudriya Darpaṇa for melee, and specializes in close-range combat.